Are you answering calls and texts through a iPad cracked or cell phone shattered screen?

It can be tempting to think about going shopping for a new phone when your screen has broken or shattered. While this is certainly a viable option, you could save some money and give Nerdy Dave's Computers a call.

We have all seen people using phones with cracked screens. Texting, calling, most functions are still possible with a shattered screen. While functionality may still be possible, using cracked or shattered screens are a potential hazard. The glass in shattered screens can come loose without warning and can cut you. It is also possible to create further damage within your phone and screen when using phones that are in poor condition. 

Sometimes it’s like decoding a secret message when squinting and straining your eyes to see through the cracks and distortions of a broken screen.

​Our technicians at Nerdy Dave's Computers will thoroughly inspect the screen and diagnose whether the issue is just the glass itself or the screen itself. After diagnosing the source of the problem, we will move forward with the necessary next steps to have your phone back to looking like new!

Are you into DIY projects, and considering fixing the screen on your own? It can be tempting to want to try to fix things like a broken screen on your own. After all, how hard could it be, right?

Actually, fixing a problem like this is much more difficult than you might think. In addition to the potential hazard of being cut by the broken glass, if repairs like this are not done properly, the damage can become more extensive or even make repairs to the screen impossible. While DIY solutions can be tempting, it’s best to bring shattered screens to professional technicians for repair.
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